We will operate with modified hours on Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th. We will be open from 1PM to 4 PM on Thursday and will reopen at 11 AM on Friday.

News and Promotions

COVID-19 Public Notice

If you are experiencing financial difficulties as result of COVID-19, please give us a call at your earliest convenience.


In addition, we are strongly encouraging ALL members to sign up for on-line access to their accounts utilizing our Netbranch web portal.  If we already have your email address on file, you will be able to set up your Netbranch account without our assistance.  Just follow the on-line instructions.  If we don't have your email address on file, you will need to contact us to assist in setting up your account. 


If you don't have a computer, you may also access your account information with our Telemate audio response service utilizing  your telephone. The number for Telemate is: 866-810-6119.  Your  personal identification number (PIN) automatically defaults to the last four (4) digits of your  Social Security Number if you haven't changed it before.  Please don't hesitate to call us for questions on getting set-up for either of these services.    



2024 Holiday Notice

New Year's Day                             Monday, January 1

Martin Luther King, Jr.Day             Monday, January 15

Washington's Birthday                   Monday, February 19

Memorial Day                                Monday, May 27

Juneteenth National Day               Wednesday, June 19

Independence Day                        Thursday, July 4

Labor Day                                      Monday, September 2

Columbus Day                               Monday, October 14

Veterans Day                                 Monday, November 11

Thanksgiving Day                          Thursday, November 28

Day After Thanksgiving                  Friday, November 29

Christmas Day                               Wednesday, December 25

Day After Christmas                       Thursday, December 26


IMPORTANT NOTICE!  All cards (ATM/VISA) must be reactivated and re-pinned on or after March 5th in order to continue using the card.  To activate and set a PIN, call toll free 1-800-992-3808.  You will not be able to call until March 5th.

Berkeley Community Federal Credit Union Berkeley County Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1960 for the purpose of serving the financial needs of the employees for the Berkeley County School District and their immediate families. During its tenure as an occupationally chartered credit union, Berkeley County Federal Credit Union expanded its field of membership to include several other employee groups from select companies desiring credit union membership benefits. In 2005, Berkeley County Federal Credit Union converted from an occupational to a community charter and changed its name to Berkeley Community Federal Credit Union (herein referred to as BCFCU). The new charter expands our membership base to anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in Berkeley County. BCFCU is a not-for-profit financial cooperative, owned by its members and governed by a seven member board of directors elected annually by the membership. Our primary mission remains to promote financial literacy among our members and to provide basic financial products and services that meet the needs of our members. Our corporate motto is "Financial Services With A Personal Touch".

Navigating This Website-If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser in conjunction with Google's toolbar, you may not be able to access the links or web addresses contained within certain sections of our website by simply clicking on them. When you click on a link such as CarFax, it will take you to our disclosure message to alert you to the fact that you are now leaving the credit union's website, at that point you must hold down your control (CRTL) key and click OK to access the link. If you are using another browser such as Firefox, you may not experience this problem when accessing links and web addresses within the credit union's website.


Download our Mobile App

Berkeley Community Federal Credit Union FREE Mobile Banking App will give you secure, convenient access to your accounts.

Google Play App Store

Have you Logged into Online Banking since the Online Banking update on October 19, 2023?